Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Last words for RTL colleagues !

Following is a mail I sent out to my RTL colleagues when I left for Sweden to do my masters in Software Engineering and Distributed Systems ..

Hello All,

As you might have heard (or perhaps not) today is my last day at Relisource. Unfortunately today is a curfew and none of you are here at this moment to say goodbye. I think its all good as the goodbye part would have been very tough for me. Many things have happened and so many people have come and gone, and in this last day, I am not sure what to write for all of you, since there are so many things and each deserve a special thank you in their own way. It's been an exciting and eventful one year and eight months. I will cherish this memories and moments I have lived with you guys for the rest of my life.

In short, I would like to say no matter which part of the map I am in I will always keep in touch and flood your email boxes with my mails no matter what Vaskar Da has to say.

I would also like to take this opportunity and thank all the people in RTL, each and every one of you have, in some way influenced my life in a big way. I have learned a lot during my stay here, not only coding but how to lead and enjoy each moment of life. I have better understood the meanings of fun, commitment and professionalism.

Please do pray for me so that I can stick to path of goodness and follow my own religion with faith and believe.

This is the end of a memorable chapter of my life and beginning of a new one.

/Reza - End of a wonderful Chapter !

1 comment:

Shahidul Haque said...

"This is the end of a memorable chapter of my life and beginning of a new one."

What about new chapter? How many pages you have composed of that new chapter?